publishing services

You dream it, we ink it!

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Book Cover

If you want to make good sales with your book, your cover design should have a good first impression.

At HOUSE OF YADAH, we design top-notch book covers that can compete internationally. We pay attention to the message of your book, the audience and make it connect well with your audience.

Our goal is to help your book standout in the marketplace and on every bookshelf.

This can include cover design, animations and illustrations.
We listen to your needs and book idea.
We research your industry and understand the mind of your readers and how best to convey the meaning of your book to the world graphically.

- We create 3 different options for you to pick from or 1 design that can be edited 3 times.
 - You choose your final design.
 - We create e-flyers and mock-ups to promote and publicize your book to your audience. 


Editing and Proofreading

We have a great editorial team ready to arrange words properly and professionally for you and as well as to proofread your book.

Upon submitting your manuscript to us, our editorial team goes through the book and focuses on structuring your words properly, spelling and Grammarly check. There after they proofread the book to ensure that the book sounds professionally. 


Book Layout

Readers are inspired by a well-designed interior and we pride ourselves with our interior layout design

One of the things that keeps your audience glued to your book is the layout. The quality of your book design plays a vital role in positioning yourself as a professional author. We will help you design a book that readers won’t want to ignore.

Book formatting transforms your text and images into a professional layout that grabs and guides your readers.

Title pages, chapter headings, and even line spacing—when they’re done well, you don’t even notice. But when they’re done can be impressive to your readers.

We’ll help you deliver the best possible reading experience with a custom-formatted layout.
We guide your choice by telling you the options you can use.
We guide you to make a research on your book genre
We design and illustrate where necessary.
We deliver a top notch formatting.

We have two types of formatting: the printed book formatting and the e-book formatting for online distribution.

They are both different and we deliver based on your specification.


Book Printing

Our biggest desire is to deliver books that will be excellent, of high quality and international in standard, to our authors.


Print in black & white or full colour
Choose from many popular trim sizes
Pick your binding: perfect bound or saddle stitch
Order a minimum of 50 printed copies
Take your pick of premium paper stocks
Choose a glossy or matte cover finish



Every book needs a unique identity number and we can help you facilitate it in the shortest time possible.

ISBN is a unique number for your book that is recognised nationally. We help you break through the protocols of rigorous search for a unique number – which turns long days into a 48 hour period of time.

We can help you get your book number faster and easier so you can relax away from the stress. You can get your ISBN without publishing your book with us also. 


Marketing & Branding Package

We do a full brand makeover for your book by creating assets like mugs, t-shirts, banners, websites and so much more for you to choose from.

We can help you reach a wider audience by providing promotional materials to enhance your book visibility like creating a book sales website page, video trailer, social media ads, flyers, printed materials like banners, mugs, t-shirts and caps. Together, we will tailor a successful plan based on your book’s genre, timeline, and other key factors to drive visibility for your book.

Depending on the package you choose, you might also get an opportunity to be hosted on radio and television platforms to talk about your book, hence giving you more visibility and positioning to reach more audiences. 


Book Strategy Consultation

Finding it difficult to convert your ideas into reality? We can brainstorm with you for clarity and fast execution.

Sometimes, knowing what to do before or after writing your book can be quite overwhelming. Especially with the different kinds of books you see out there, you definitely want your book to stand out.

At HOUSE OF YADAH PUBLICATIONS, we will guide you on how to have the best cover design, book interior, book print and every other thing that can come up in your book journey.

Just imagine having experts and professionals who can lead you on what to do best at every stage?

That is why we are offering you a free 15 minute session to brainstorm on your book. You can also opt for the 1hour session for a more comprehensive discussion and strategy.

15 minute session: FREE
1 hour or more: Paid Session 

get in touch

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Tel: +27 81 338 1029
Whatsapp: +2781 338 1029